Rust Quick Start

This Quick Start will show you how to use TLSNotary in a native Rust application.


Before we start, make sure you have cloned the tlsn repository and have a recent version of Rust installed.

Clone the TLSNotary Repository

Clone the tlsn repository (defaults to the main branch, which points to the latest release):

git clone"

Next open the tlsn folder in your favorite IDE.

Install Rust

If you don't have Rust installed yet, you can install it using rustup:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

To configure your current shell, run:

source "$HOME/.cargo/env"

Simple Example: Notarizing Public Data from

We will start with the simplest possible use case for TLSNotary:

  1. Notarize: Fetch and create a proof of its content.
  2. Verify the proof.
  3. Redact the USER_AGENT and titles.
  4. Verify the redacted proof.

1. Notarize

Run a simple prover:

cd tlsn/examples/simple
cargo run --release --example simple_prover

If the notarization was successful, you should see this output in the console:

Starting an MPC TLS connection with the server
Got a response from the server
Notarization completed successfully!
The proof has been written to `simple_proof.json`

If you want to see more details, you can run the prover with extra logging:

RUST_LOG=DEBUG,uid_mux=INFO,yamux=INFO cargo run --release --example simple_prover

2. Verify the Proof

When you open simple_proof.json in an editor, you will see a JSON file with lots of non-human-readable byte arrays. (Note: The plaintext is included, in byte array form. ) You can verify this file and create a human-friendly output by running:

cargo run --release --example simple_verifier

This will output the TLS-transaction in clear text:

Successfully verified that the bytes below came from a session with Dns("") at 2023-11-03 08:48:20 UTC.
Note that the bytes which the Prover chose not to disclose are shown as X.

Bytes sent:

3. Redact Information

Open tlsn/examples/simple/ and locate the line with:

fn main() {
let redact = false;

and change it to:

fn main() {
let redact = true;

Next, if you run the simple_prover and simple_verifier again, you'll notice redacted X's in the output:

cargo run --release --example simple_prover
cargo run --release --example simple_verifier
<!doctype html>

You can also use to inspect your proofs. Open and drag and drop simple_proof.json from your file explorer into the drop zone. Notary public key

Proof Visualization

Redacted bytes are marked with X characters.

Proof Redacted

(Optional) Extra Experiments

Feel free to try these extra challenges:

  • Modify the server_name (or any other data) in simple_proof.json and verify that the proof is no longer valid.
  • Modify the build_proof_with_redactions function in to redact more or different data.

Notarizing Private Information: Discord Message

Next, we will use TLSNotary to generate a proof of private information: a private Discord DM.

We will also use an explicit (locally hosted) notary server this time.

1. Start a Local Notary Server

The notary server used in this example is more functional compared to the (implicit) simple notary service used in the example above. This notary server should actually be run by the Verifier or a neutral party. To make things simple, we run everything on the same machine.

  1. Edit the notary server config file (notary/server/config/config.yaml) to turn off TLS so that self-signed certificates can be avoided.
         enabled: false
  2. Run the notary server:
    cd notary/server
    cargo run --release

The notary server will now be running in the background waiting for connections.

Keep it running and open a new terminal.

2. Get Authorization Token and Channel ID

Before we can notarize a Discord message, we need some parameters in a .env file.

In the tlsn/examples/discord folder, copy the .env.example file and name it .env.

In this .env, we will input the USER_AGENT, AUTHORIZATION token, and CHANNEL_ID.

USER_AGENT"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/116.0"Look for User-Agent in request headers
AUTHORIZATION"MTE1NDe1Otg4N6NxNjczOTM2OA.GYbUBf.aDtcMUKDOmg6C2kxxFtlFSN1pgdMMBtpHgBBEs"Look for Authorization in request headers

You can obtain these parameters by opening Discord in your browser and accessing the message history you want to notarize.

NOTE: ⚠️ Please note that notarizing only works for short transcripts at the moment, so choose a contact with a short history.

Next, open the Developer Tools, go to the Network tab, and refresh the page. Then, click on Search and type /api to filter results to Discord API requests. From there, you can copy the needed information into your .env as indicated above.

You can find the CHANNEL_ID directly in the URL:{CHANNEL_ID)

Discord Authentication Token

3. Create the proof

Next, run the discord_dm example to generate a proof:

cd tlsn/tlsn/examples/discord
RUST_LOG=debug,uid_mux=INFO,yamux=info cargo run --release --example discord_dm

If everything goes well, you should see this output:

2023-11-03T15:53:51.147732Z DEBUG discord_dm: Notarization complete!

The Notary server should log:

2023-11-03T15:53:46.540247Z DEBUG                 main ThreadId(01) run_server: notary_server::server: Received a prover's TCP connection prover_address=
2023-11-03T15:53:46.542261Z DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker ThreadId(10) notary_server::service: Starting notarization... session_id="006b3293-8fba-44ac-8692-41daa47e4a9a"
2023-11-03T15:53:51.147074Z  INFO tokio-runtime-worker ThreadId(10) notary_server::service::tcp: Successful notarization using tcp! session_id="006b3293-8fba-44ac-8692-41daa47e4a9a"

If the transcript was too long, you may encounter the following error. This occurs because there is a default limit of notarization size to 20KB:

thread 'tokio-runtime-worker' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: IOError(Custom { kind: InvalidData, error: BackendError(DecryptionError("Other: KOSReceiverActor is not setup")) })', /Users/heeckhau/tlsnotary/tlsn/tlsn/tlsn-prover/src/

The Discord example code redacts the auth_token, but feel free to change the redacted regions.

The proof is written to discord_dm_proof.json.


Verify the proof by dropping the JSON file into or by running:

cargo run --release --example discord_dm_verifier

🍾 Great job! You have successfully used TLSNotary in Rust.

(Optional) Notarize More Private Data

If the examples above were too easy for you, try to notarize data from other websites such as: