Commit Strategy

When the Prover generates authenticated commitments to the plaintext of the transcript, it is possible to choose which range(s) of the plaintext to commit to. This dictates the range(s) that can be selectively disclosed later to the application-specific Verifier. This section discusses different commit strategies, as well as their associated costs.


Depending on the application, different commit strategies can be chosen. One can commit to everything at once, to each byte individually, or any selection of ranges. There is no significant computational impact when you choose a large number of commitments, but there is a linear storage cost increase.

TLSNotary offers a default strategy that commits to ranges corresponding with HTTP objects. This results in a good balance between selective disclosure flexibility and storage size for most use cases.

The table below provides an overview of the different commit strategies:

StrategyDescriptionSelective DisclosureCostUsage
Commit to custom range(s)Only commit to the range(s) that need to be selectively disclosed laterOnly the committed ranges can be revealed. Subranges or other ranges cannot be revealedSmallest artefact sizeSuitable when only a single (or a few) selective disclosure pattern is required and size is important
Commit to HTTP objectsCommit to ranges that correspond to all common HTTP objects in both request and response, e.g., every header's key and value, every key and value in JSON response bodyFlexible to selectively reveal different HTTP objects in different presentations of the transcriptLarger artefact size than strategy #1Suitable for most use cases — the default strategy used in the repository's example
Commit to each byteOne commit for each byte, resulting in the maximum number of commitmentsMaximum flexibility as any range of the transcript can be selectively disclosed in multiple presentationsLargest artefact size among all strategiesSuitable when needed to support selective disclosure on many arbitrary ranges beyond common HTTP objects


The commitment strategies differ mainly in the number of committed ranges (K). As K increases, the primary cost is the size of the generated artefact. The table below details the artefacts and how their sizes scale with K.

ArtefactDescriptionSize ScalingExplanation
AttestationArtifact signed by the Notary attesting to the authenticity of the plaintext from a TLS sessionConstantAttestation only contains data that remains constant-sized regardless of K, e.g., the Merkle root of the commitments
SecretArtifact containing secret data that correspond to commitments in AttestationLinearSecret contains some data whose sizes scale linearly with K, e.g., a Merkle tree whose number of leaves equals K

Using the default hash algorithm (i.e., BLAKE3), every additional range committed costs around 250 bytes of increment in the size of Secret. For more details, please visit this Jupyter notebook.